30 Things in 30 Years

This week, I turn a whopping 30 years old.

I feel like I've experienced a lot of life: been quite a few places, had a few kids, got a couple tattoos, and had my fair share of heartaches. But more than anything, I see an invisible thread throughout my entire life.

That thread is Jesus.

Throughout these 30 years, I've moved 10 times, lived in 5 states, went to 3 colleges, played college volleyball, got married fairly young, had 3 babies, traveled all over the US, explored all of India and backpacked through Nepal, started my own business....4 times, and bought a lot of shoes. That's a snippet of my life.Amidst the ups and downs, the hand of Jesus has been so evident in my life. He's saved me from much, allowed much, entrusted me with much, taught me much, and loves me more than I'll ever know. 30 years of a journey of faith, brokenness, joy, and pain. But in it all, I love Him.So, here are 30 things I've learned at my ripe old age of 30 :) Maybe these are the 30 things I'll tell my kids. Or maybe these are the things that God has taught me numerous times over the years but that I'm still learning. Maybe these are the things I never want to forget. In any case, here they are :)

  1. Release control and perfectionism. You are already enough.
  2. Thank God for the hardships because it's preparation for the future. He chose to prepare you.
  3. Wait as long as it takes for the RIGHT man (spouse) to come along.
  4. Life is hard. Instead of being pissed at the world for all the hardships, cling to Jesus.
  5. If you can, have kids close together so you can get all the diapers and sleepless nights over with.
  6. Music can bring you through the most painful days and carry you through the best of days.
  7. Family is everything but can also be really hard. Try to work stuff out. You don't need to be best friends with all of them, but you need to be kind and respectful.
  8. Work hard for what you want and teach your kids to do the same.
  9. You do not want the life of all those girls that were mean to you in middle school and high school. I promise.
  10. If you're good at a sport, work your butt off and see it through until the end.
  11. Learn how to say no and when to say it.
  12. Embrace how God made you, and don't take yourself so seriously.
  13. Giving is always better than receiving.
  14. Call your parents and grandparents often. They won't be around forever.
  15. People are insecure. Don't make that your problem.
  16. Heal from your past so you can focus on what God has for your future.
  17. Be kind to everyone. Rise above the drama.
  18. Take all criticism and judgement with a grain of salt.
  19. Don't put your trust in anyone or anything but Jesus. Stop looking for people's approval and have a little more confidence.
  20. There is no one in the world that is a more perfect mom for your kids than YOU!
  21. Let yourself be a kid with your kids.
  22. Stop complaining. Your life is way better than you think. Write down all the things you're thankful for during the hardships that come during your life. It's inevitable that pain will come at some point and then you'll be able to remember all that you have.
  23. Counseling is a wonderful thing.
  24. Pay all your bills online.
  25. Home is where your family is. Location doesn't matter.
  26. Buy yourself flowers sometimes.
  27. God created you for a purpose. Find that purpose in every season of life and don't ever think everyone is called to something outwardly amazing like an author, artist, or actor. Your purpose might just be to be the best mother to your kids.
  28. Best decision I ever made was to follow Jesus.
  29. Take lots of photos and make yearly photo albums.
  30. Celebrate everything.


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