4 Things To Help Distract Your Energetic Child
I am exhausted like 99% of you moms out there. Right now, my exhaustion is coming from a certain 4-year-old that likes to do his own thing, wake up in the middle of the night, back talk, and jump off the highest thing he can find without regard for his own safety (it's a miracle we've only had one ER visit).
He will never sit still (and that's OK!) He is ALWAYS running, and is so focused on "the next thing" that sometimes he can't enjoy what's right in front of him. If this sounds like your little boy (or girl), here are are 4 ways to keep them distracted for more than 10 minutes so that YOU can catch your breath.
- Trampoline and Pool - I'm not talking about a major investment. My kids get by with a tiny exercise trampoline and a plastic kiddie pool that WEARS THEM OUT! haha, it's the best. I would love to have a big trampoline or nice pool in my backyard. Someday. Also, outside time in general is a must - I can't get through a day without my kids going outside. Rain or shine or snow, they are 100% outdoor boys. I know this about them and make outdoor time a daily event. They explore, run, play and then I even get a "break!"
- Daily Quiet Times - Even though my kiddo still naps, he NEEDS quiet alone time in his room. He usually plays with "his guys" which are a bunch of Andrew's old G.I. Joes and Ninja Turtles. He loves it and is more well-behaved after having his alone time. Start with 10 minutes and work your way up, and try to enforce it for your own sanity.
- Coloring/Painting - If you aren't the type of mom to enjoy crafts with your kids (I most definitely am not), then break out huge pieces of paper, cover your entire kitchen table, and give them their choice of markers, crayons, colored pencils, or, yes, even paint if you're feeling risky :) Also, those paint with water books that magically change colors with water are mess free and a life-saver! Amen to that. Turn on some calming music and let them go to town while you take a deep breath yourself. I find that it has been a very therapeutic thing for us lately.
- A Challenging Activity - Sometimes I have to make stuff up...like games. Isn't that something moms are so good at? "Touch every tree in the backyard, do a somersault, go down the slide, and tag my hand. Ready? Go!" Or if you're inside, make up a game that involves physical activity and their brains, like putting numbers 1 -30 on sticky notes and hiding them all over the house. Make your kids find them and put them in the correct order.
I hope some of these help. There are a million things on Pinterest and ideas you get from other moms, so hopefully you have a few things up your sleeve when the going gets tough. Smetimes I feel completely helpless and have no mom-juice left in my brain to think of an activity, game, or distraction. Then my energetic child gets set off by "boredom" and it makes for a VERY challenging rest of my day. I understand! You got this, mama :)