4 years of marriage
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*first photos together, dating, engagement, wedding, honeymoon*
Oh my goodness, I can't believe it's been four years! But at the same time, it's been a packed full four years...so sometimes it seems like we've been married a decade! :) ps: we look so young...It must have been all that sleep. I miss that...Over the last four years, we've moved three times (one was me moving into Andrew's house), I've had two different jobs, Andrew started medical school, we had two kids in two different hospitals in two different cities, made wonderful new friends, and had a lot of ups and downs. Marriage has taught me so much, but I believe it's because of the man I married. Not only did I marry my best friend, but I married a man that has shown me more of Jesus than any other person. No pastor, no friend, no author, no bible study has helped draw me closer to Jesus than Andrew.It definitely has been beautiful and fun. At the same time, having someone that helps refine you really breaks your pride and that part isn't fun. I forget that it's a process...a daily surrender."We rarely ask for difficult circumstances, but we often ask for the character development that comes as a result of them." -Prescription for the Doctor's WifeAndrew calms me, speaks truth to me, calls me out, and fights for me. He prays for me, protects me, provides for our family, thinks things through, and pushes me to Christ. He holds me accountable, lets me cry when I need to, and tells me "you're stronger than that" when I cry over something silly. He thinks I'm fierce, he knows my strengths, makes me a better mom, and lets me be me. And that's just some of it. And you know what's sad? I FORGET. I forget these things when life's rough or when we're going through something difficult. I hate that about my flesh and pray that I never lose sight of all that God has given me and all that He has done. Andrew is a daily reminder that God is good and that He is faithful. I get so caught up in the chaos of being a mom sometimes that I forget to take a step back and remember how good I have it. God doesn't want us wallowing in our difficulties but rather standing on the beautiful foundation He has already made us! Such power in that.There's something so amazing when you're in a relationship that you know is going to last a lifetime. That's one of the things I love about a sacred and God-centered relationship. That no matter how difficult things get, that person will be by your side. It gives me confidence and grace for myself and for Andrew. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us, and I always want to remember what He has done. All I can say is GREAT ARE YOU, LORD!