April : Letters to my busy boys
I think April was a really sweet month for our family. We're coming out of a rough season with Andrew's medical school schedule and it has gotten a lot better recently. We have some clarity with our future, we have a fun family getaway to look forward to for a couple nights, and Andrew has some time off to be with the family. All the boys seemed to grow up this month, too, and I can't believe that Nate's already 3 months old.
Wesley - You've surprised us this month with how much you've grown. You definitely got taller, you're learning new songs and singing all the time, and you continue to blow us away with your athleticism. I even found you in our neighbors yard once because you climbed over the fence. You have a swingset but all you do is climb to the top of it and try to stand. You're our little ninja monkey. This month you've also really been into holding Nate. You like to snuggle him and sing to him, give him his paci if he's crying, and say "shh, shh, shh, I'm right here, baby Nate. It's ok." You've definitely taken on the big brother role this month by being helpful and kind. You take care of Reid by getting his milk, taking his shoes off for him, helping him get dressed, and always giving him toys to play with. You even make sure I'm doing ok. You're very in tune with people, very affirming, and I can already see what an amazing husband you'll be someday. I'm doing everything I can to raise you right, but the Lord has you and He's molding you into one of my favorite people on this planet. I had to have a friend pick you up from preschool one day this month and she even said how fun you are. Just a short pick-up and drive home and you have everyone wanting to hang out with you even more. We sure love you, kiddo.
Reid - This month has actually been pretty hard on you because of your molars! They are finally popping through but it's taking forever and we feel sooooo bad for you. You're extra fussy and needy, but thank the Lord you're sleeping great. Sometimes all you need is a 2-3 hour nap by yourself in your room and that helps. You've needed lots of teethers, lotion on your irritated cheeks, milk, apples, and snuggles. Besides the way you're feeling, you're still a delightful kid. We love your big hugs and your feisty personality that's coming out. You're getting to be quite the funny kid and always want to do what Wesley's doing. Your big thing this month was always asking "what are you doing mommy?" "Whats that thing mama?" Lots of questions from you. Always talking and now you're starting to sing, too, which is so cute! I hope you get these molars fast so you can enjoy this next month turning 2!!! SO SAD! I can't believe you'll be two next month. :(
Nate - You're 3 months old! Oh, how I love you, sweet baby boy! Everyone around here calls you baby Nate. We all adore you. You sleep soooooo good now which makes me beyond thankful. You're not the biggest napper but I would rather you sleep at night, so it doesn't bother me one bit! You take naps on mama or in your swing and that's about it. Never in your crib. You always wake up so happy and you're ALL smiles around Wesley. You're such a happy baby but, if you're tired or hungry, you are quite the screamer. It's so high pitched and loud...but once you're in your swing with your paci or nursing, all is calm again :) You're happiest in your swing looking around at everyone, on your playmat kicking away, or being held as long as we're walking around. You're in 3-6 month clothes still because you're so long and you're still nursing every 2 hours during the day. I'm kind of forcing nursing every 2-3 hours because I want you to be full and sleep all night :) It's working quite nicely and I can't thank God enough for your sleep right now. I'm praying it doesn't change but lets be honest....it always does, haha! Pretty sure Wesley is your favorite person ever...no matter your mood, he always makes you smile. Sometimes if you're fussing, I tell Wes to go tell you hi because I know you'll calm down and start cooing. Oh, and you're laughing now, too! We love you so much!