50 Things to Remember
When Wesley turned 18 months and I was pregnant with Reid, I started writing down TONS of reminders for myself on sticky notes.
I honestly didn't know if I could handle another child! Some were scriptures to remember, some were pump up quotes, others had one word like "peace" so that I would see it and be reminded that He is my peace in that moment. I need to finally write them out in one place...
(I changed "Wesley" to "they" since I have 2 boys now :) )
- Romans 8:18
- Remember they will want Mac n Cheese for a week straight and then hate it the next
- You will forget to wash their hands
- You will forget to change their onesie
- You will forget to change their wet diaper
- You might even forget to buckle them in...
- Remember your kid will hardly eat a thing and still take a long nap, or hardly eat dinner and still sleep all night. Stop forcing it
- Instagram doesn't show real life
- You'll have days where you aren't consistent with discipline
- Stop complaining
- Having a quiet time and coffee before they wake up is always worth it
- Read as many books as they want
- Dance parties are always a good idea
- You'll show up looking like a hot mess to a function, probably once a week
- You will actually forget to shower
- Remember to give yourself grace
- Love those babies extravagantly
- Remember to eat breakfast
- Let things go
- Proverbs 31:26
- Remember that boys will be boys
- Let them be little
- Let them learn
- Potty training will come....you wont be wiping their butt at 30
- Remember it's ok to not make your own baby food
- Distract him when he's obsessing over something silly
- It's ok to NOT clean the house every Saturday morning (This one Andrew wrote for me because I was like a crazy woman every Saturday morning at 8am bossing everyone around with a toilet brush in one hand and windex in the other).
- Don't compare!
- Don't beat yourself up if you need a TV-PJ day...or week.
- Remember that snuggles and kisses can heal your heart
- Remember that doctors appointments will just be rough, and to realize that
- There's always something to be grateful for
- Travel with kids at your own risk
- You will probably have more hard days than good ones. But the good ones last a lifetime and bring more joy than you can ever imagine
- Moms are badass
- This is a refining process for everyone
- They pick up on everything, so watch your tone, words, and actions.
- 2 Corinthians 4:17
- Kids might eat old food they found on the floor and then not touch your meal that you just spent two hours preparing.
- Raise your voice less, laugh waaaaaaaay more
- Pray with them
- Your instincts are best
- God made you their momma
- Be teachable & ask other moms questions
- You got this
- Remember that your child crying in the children's nursery is always harder on you than them.
- Your family comes first, play dates can be postponed.
- Pay attention to them, get off your phone
- Jesus take the wheel! (of course you have to sing this one)