Suffering to Sanctification
I've started this blog post so many times. But now as I re-read it, things are finally making sense.
Suffering will never be a welcomed guest and trials will never be intentionally invited. Whether it is cancer, a miscarriage, or a slew of other "hard things," at the end of the day there is always something sanctifying. The difficulty is recognizing that while you're still walking through it.
I began to write down the process of my pain. What I realized was how each enduring trial brought a closeness to Jesus that I would have never understood otherwise.
Sufferings lead to surrender which leads to sanctification in Christ.
I am far from "arriving" but I see things differently now. God isn't turning His back on me or shrugging His shoulders when I'm hit with a wave of depression. I don't see Him surprised by anything that comes my way and I don't feel detached.
1 Peter 4:13 says "but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation."
I'm not joyful in my sufferings nor am I happy when they come my way. But, I can have the nearness of Christ. I can share in suffering that He already took to the cross and then rejoice with the hope I have in Him. I don't want to live my life "waiting for Jesus to return," but I can experience a part of Him that I'd never know if it weren't for the trials I've faced.
I don't thank my trials for stopping by, but I can thank God for allowing the pain so that my sufferings bring me to a point of surrender, leading me to sanctification. Isn't that the goal? To work out our salvation? To draw near to Him and love Him?
I want to stop acting surprised when this wretched world throws things my way. I don't know if I'll ever get to that place. But, for now, I can stand on what I know to be true: God is for us and loves us.