the embracing chaos blog
Choosing the Good Portion Series - Part 2
I looked at life through the lens of numbers and achievements, speaking events, book sales and social media engagement, all while knowing deep in my soul that none of that truly matters and isn’t even up to me. I thought if I did a, b and c, then x, y and z would happen. As if I held my life in my own hands and if I did all the things, then all the blessings would follow. But I knew better. Instead of “must respond as soon as possible” being the resounding drum in my head, it slowly switched to “you can’t save anyone.” Ouch.
Humility comes when you understand all of your trying is entirely dependent upon the Lord’s will and that man can never undo or thwart God’s intended purposes. I began to feel a peace that I didn’t know could come from surrendering. I was lighter. Not that I didn’t care anymore, but I finally saw that it wasn’t my responsibility to do everything and be everything to everyone.