5 things SAHMs should tell themselves every morning
As we all know, motherhood can be exhausting.
On most days, we play at least a dozen roles. I found myself early this morning making breakfast for two toddlers, washing dishes (because instead of cleaning the kitchen last night, I was watching the Bachelorette), trying to calm down a screaming baby, and reheating my coffee. Then my husband asked what the temperature was outside so that he could get dressed accordingly for work. Really nice work clothes, I might add. Like he looks GOOOOD every morning.Oh, how I wish I could leave for a job some days.Shower, put makeup on, maybe even a DRESS for crying out loud. Drive off to work and see your hard work pay off every other week with a paycheck. Sounds so dreamy. I may even take a break from writing this and go look for a job right now, haha!Ok, I'm back...I didn't find any jobs that sounded that great. Anyways, being a mama is hard and sometimes it's hard to see through the tough times. I like tangible results (like a paycheck) and that's why a job can sound so appealing because we don't get that as moms. It's hard to remember, but it's true that we do indeed play an important and VITAL role in our families. One that if we left, our family wouldn't function like it does.
So....let's give ourselves some encouragement to remember everyday.
Here are some things that you need to tell yourself every morning before you start your day as a SAHM with crazy kids. Maybe even before you start drinking that big ole cup of coffee.
- Your family will NOT survive without you. You are valued, seen, and important. And just remember that the days are long but the years are short. All your kids will be in college before you know it! Your husband doesn't know what your kids need like you do. There is no one like mommy!
- You WILL see all that effort you've put into your kids someday. Maybe not in Costco while your 2 year old is throwing himself on the floor because you won't buy him ice cream...but someday. Someday you will and you'll probably even get glimpses of hope, where you stand back and say "dang, my kid is awesome." Yay, you mama! It's important to remember that what you're doing matters.
- If today needs to be a low-key, TV, no-shirts-for-the-kids, snacks-on-the-couch kind of day so that you can gain back your sanity, it's OK. It's ok. You're not failing and sometimes you need a day to chill and recharge.
- These tiny humans just need your love and grace. Even though you feel like you're yelling at them constantly because they won't stop fussing, screaming your name, or pestering their sibling, they ultimately need love and grace. We've been extended THE MOST love and grace. Offering that to our kids is more than enough.
- When you're 50, you're going to wish for these years back. I try to tell myself this everyday when I'm in the midst of the chaos. I need to embrace the chaos because these boys are my everything and I KNOW without a doubt that when they're all gone, I'm going to sob my eyes out and wish I had a little helper in the kitchen, a little baby to snuggle with during nap time, or a hilarious kiddo that wants to play make believe with me as we fight giants and monsters in the backyard. I'm going to miss those things...so much so that it hurts to even think about it now.
So instead of locking myself in the bathroom for a 5-second break while I sip on the lasts of my coffee, I'm going to snuggle my baby and play with my boys.
They need their mama. They need to be seen, loved, heard, and encouraged. JUST like we need that on a daily basis. If you can't make your day better for yourself, make it better for your kids.xoxoNicole