May : Letters to my busy boys
What a fun month! We went on our first family vacation, Nate is getting his first tooth and is now 4 months old, Reid had his 2nd birthday, Wesley finished up his first year of preschool, and Andrew is officially a 4th year medical student! Yahoo!!!! Much to celebrate and much to be thankful for.
Wesley : It was so special to see you finish your 1st year of Preschool. You really thrived and your teachers loved you. As a mom, you always worry about how your kids are doing outside of the home, so I was constantly asking the teachers how you were doing throughout the year. I wanted to know how your behavior was and how your learning, sharing, and everything was going. Every single time they said how wonderful you were, how kind you were, and how sweet you were. Music to my ears! You love to learn, you love having lots to do, and you love meeting new people. I think you're going to be a great student...I guess we'll continue to learn that as the years go by :) As far as in the home, you're still very helpful and loving with your brothers and with me. You give kisses and are so loving with Nate and want to hold him almost every day. You're teaching Reid how to do stuff everyday like counting, baseball, driving your car, and saying his ABCs. This month, I was inside changing Nate's diaper and you yelled inside "HURRY, my brother has a bee on him!!!" I came out and Reid was crying because a bee was crawling on his leg and you kept saying, "My brother's in trouble! Help him!" You're an incredible and protective big brother and we love you! Oh and you LOVED Great Wolf and did so well going down all the slides by yourself. You had a really rough day when we left. We felt so sad for you. We'll definitely have to go back because it was the perfect trip for our family. We'll remember it the rest of our lives. Love you big guy :)
Reid : You are so chill. You're starting to sing, say your ABCs, count to 15, and ride your bike like Wesley. Now we just need you to poop in the potty! :) You're such a delight, very particular about things, and still eating like a champ. I don't ever need to talk about that because you're always so good at eating. You're getting your second molar in which is always fun...brings a lot of fussing out in you. As long as you're getting some love and around your family, you're easy peasy. You still LOVE Lightning McQueen, books, tools, and your daddy ;) You loved Great Wolf but needed to be held A LOT. I think all the splashing and water made you a bit hesitant. You really liked watching everyone and eating your snacks with mama and Nate :) You still like to copy everything Wesley does which is hilarious but also very difficult at times because he doesn't always say and do the right thing. But I'm extremely blessed by you boys and your personalities are so fun and sweet. You sure make my life a whole lot better :) We love you and are so thankful for you.
Nate : You poor teething kiddo! I feel so bad for you. Your hand is constantly in your mouth and your shirt is drenched halfway through the day from all your drool. You boys always get teeth so early! I started putting you on your tummy for naps a couple weeks ago and now I put you on your tummy at night! You're doing so much better with that and I just hope your head evens out because I'm still nervous about you needing a helmet. You had a night a few days back where you slept 12 hours straight! I was so happy and so were you. You should definitely do that more :) You did amazing at Great Wolf, too. I think that's why we had such a great time...because all three of you did amazing. You slept 7pm-5am and then nursed and went back to sleep for an hour while cuddling with me. Dreamy baby! Of course it's changed since then (ha!) but we were thankful while it lasted :) We love you!