the embracing chaos blog
Best of 2020
I understand that life is filled with both the glorious snippets and devastating circumstances sprinkled throughout a calendar year. But I challenge you to look back and find the GOOD of what God did each month. Maybe it was that you had some time to yourself to really invest in your passions. Or maybe you had a really bad month but it was the same month that you caught up with a lifelong friend over Zoom. Maybe you bonded with your kids or had a baby in the midst of COVID. Whatever the case, I want to end 2020 with a heart of thankfulness and always see what God did rather than what I think was missing.
Mothers and Mental Health
I know what it feels like to not have a care in the world or a desire to live it.I know what it feels like to hit rock bottom and barely have the energy to get out of bed. I know what it feels like to be hopeless, stuck, and confused even when your life looks good on paper... or on social media.
Podcast, Cancer, and a New Year!
This is my life now, and I had to choose whether or not I was going to allow the news to ruin me or build me. To be honest, I chose ruin at first. Had a pity party, felt the weight of the world, got sad...but then quickly realized how God was trying to build me and use me. So, I got on board :)
Thyroid Cancer : Part Four
Last week was my PET scan. What was supposed to be a 30 minute body scan turned into a 2 hour long appointment with multiple scans since they “saw some things” and wanted to be thorough.
Thyroid Cancer : Part Two
Surgery went well, even better than expected, and there was less cancer on the left side of my neck than previously thought. They removed my thyroid, 68 lymph nodes and all the cancer they could find.