February : Letters to my busy boys
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(My camera is being repaired so I had to take random phone pics this month :) )
Wesley - You are now a big brother again! You tell me how cute Nathaniel is every day and you love that he grabs your finger. You like to get in his face and you think it’s so funny when his arms hits you. You’re pretty sweet with him but just recently really started acting out 😳 I think it’s hard for you that Nathaniel is getting a lot of attention and that Reid is just an easy-going kid. You’re having a rough time and I know that’s why you’ve been climbing in my bed during nap time and early in the morning...you really need that extra love and attention right now. We’re so thankful for preschool and we’re really trying to make you feel loved and special. You’re still adjusting and just resisting a lot of discipline. I hope you never doubt our love because, even the difficult days, we love you immensely...we maybe just don’t like you a whole lot in the moment 😂 You’ll always be our favorite 3 1/2 year old!Reid - Oh my goodness. Thank you Jesus for easy, middle children. You always eat, sleep and listen. Enough said. But on another note, you are such a delight and still need a ton of love and attention, too. For you, you just want to be held and involved. A lot of times, we can’t hold you but I can always let you be involved with the baby, dinner, and activities. I’ve really loved our time together when Wesley is at preschool and it’s just me, you, and Nate. You are SO TENDER with your little brother and always want to make sure he’s ok. I honestly thought you were going to be rough with him and more difficult but you have taken to the big brother roll beautifully. You like to burp Nate, stick his paci in his mouth, hold him on the couch and say “shhh shhh shhh” when he’s crying. I love watching you with him and I can tell you’ll always watch out for him. You are growing sooooo fast and I can barely pick you up because you’re gaining weight so fast! Just this month you started breaking in your molars so hopefully that process doesn’t take forever! We love you, bud!Nathaniel - This is your first monthly letter from your mama!!!! Oh, how precious you are! You’re already a month old and that just blows my mind. You are so, so, so long...already in 3 month clothes because you’re so long! Definitely think you’ll be the tallest of the bunch :) You’re still not on the best schedule but I just keep trying to remind myself that you’re still so little and need a lot. You tend to wake up around 4am wanting to nurse and snuggle in bed with me. I have always said “I will never co-sleep with my kids” and you just totally made me throw that out the window every morning at 4am! I think when you have more kids, you start to care more about your sleep and less about other things. Maybe that’s just me. Anyways, we love you and love watching you grow! But, slow down a little bit before you get huge like Reid 😂💙I sure love you boys.