Nate's Birth Story
I truly believe that holding your baby for the first time is one of the most precious gifts that you can have in this life.
Your body grew this baby for nine whole months, and God formed him perfectly IN YOU. Your body ached, did things you had no idea a woman's body could do, and, for some, you never want to be pregnant again because it was so difficult. You had heartburn, back pain, sleepless nights, and you couldn't eat the things you wanted to. You sacrificed comfort, rest, alcohol, cookie dough and sushi. You couldn't sleep in your favorite position (stomach....duh) and you couldn't wear your favorite jeans. You peed constantly and you had to wear a panty liner at all times, just in case you laughed really hard or sneezed in public.Front hugs got awkward, and in those last months you had about an inch of bare-belly skin that was never covered by your maternity clothes because that baby was getting big! You peed in cups, watched yourself gain a ton of weight, got shots, tried to eat healthy at times, had your cervix checked multiple times, went to dozens of appointments, and drank that nasty orange glucose drink. Your hands, feet, and ankles swelled up and your face got puffy towards the end. Eating big meals couldn't happen anymore and sitting, standing, or walking were all uncomfortable. Energy gone but you endured! You waited, waited, and WAITED for that baby's due date!!!!
Those were the days.
And then I had you, sweet, perfect, squishy Nathaniel. You smell perfect, you look perfect, and in my eyes you are perfect. Is that how God sees us? Blameless....perfect? We are image bearers of Christ and God sees the good in us. What a beautiful example that is for a mother bringing another child into this world. I will tell Nate this a million times because EVERYTHING I went through was worth it. And that is exactly what Christ tells us. Everything He went through was for me and you. He is the greatest example of what a loving parent should be.So, as I'm reflecting on the birth story of Nathaniel, I can't help but incorporate how GOOD our God is. Babies are absolute miracles. And after a long nine months of waiting for him, I'm overwhelmed by the fact that he has 10 fingers and toes, precious little ears, and the most beautiful face and little body. This tiny human arrived the moment he was supposed to and God chose ME to be his mother. So much responsibility, so much strength, and so much gratitude fill my mind and heart. I am now a mom of three.
I had an appointment the morning of January 30th (Tuesday) and I was exactly 39 weeks. A few days earlier on Saturday I was having contractions during The Greatest Showman and literally thought that was it! After taking a Tylenol PM and going to bed I realized baby was definitely not coming that night. Sunday and Monday went by and I was so done being pregnant. Like bad attitude, exhausted, and just done. At my appointment, I was 4cm dilated so that gave me hope that it was soon. I got home and, before I knew it, my contractions were starting. At first, I thought it was just the contractions that start after having a cervical check but since I was dilated and already 39 weeks I thought maybe this was it! I even called the nurse and asked her if there was a difference between cervical check contractions and the real deal...she told me to head on in after timing them for 30 more minutes.
Well sure enough 1:30pm rolled around and I was having full blown the ones you can't talk through.
So I called my friend to watch my boys, called my mom to head on up, and drove to the hospital with Andrew. We checked in and I was at 6cm. By the time I was checked into my birthing room, I was at 7cm. Now, with my other two boys, my epidurals were janky. One made my leg numb and the other worked for 2 hours and then I passed out (that's another story for another time). So, my view of an epidural was tainted. I decided I wanted to try some different things and be active and actually move around this time. I did the yoga ball, different poses, a hot bath, and then tried nitrous gas which did nothing for me. I think it was because I had a bad head cold and cough and couldn't fully breathe it in.
Anyways, so after all of that laboring, all of those long hours, I was STILL at 7cm.
I was pissed because I was getting so tired and nothing changed in my body for hours! I was beyond exhausted and didn't think my body could do anymore laboring. With Reid, they broke my water and then things really progressed, so I asked if my midwife would break my water. She told me the pain increases but the baby would probably come faster so it was totally up to me. Well, I wanted this baby boy OUT! I wanted to meet him already haha.So I said, maybe I want an epidural now to ease the pain of this next transition from 7-10cm. But the other part of me realized that by the time I got an epidural it would be about 45 minutes from that point and my contractions were starting to get worse so that I couldn't lay still. After a yelling painful contraction I said "lets have this baby!!!!" So with no meds, I told my midwife to break my water and I was ready to endure the pain.OH. MY. WORD.I was yelling out to Jesus to get this baby out, shaking, I wanted to barf, I was sweating profusely, it felt like someone was stabbing knives in my uterus, everything in me was done, and, honestly, I thought I was going to die giving birth! haha dramatic, but those of you who gave birth with no meds, and had their doctor or midwife break their water know this transitional pain! I changed positions, bit a pillow and moaned. It was the most physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally draining thing I've ever experienced. Now I know why women get epidurals!
After 6-7 hard contractions I pushed Nathaniel out.
They set him on my chest, and I couldn't even lift my head to kiss him for a few minutes because every ounce of energy was out of me. Of course, then you have to labor for a few more minutes until your placenta comes out, and then the nursing contractions start and the nurse pushing on your uterus every 15 minutes to get everything out. But all that was nothing compared to the joy I felt holding my sweet boy. He was here!His little lips, perfect long fingers, daddy's chin, and such a handsome mixture of his older brothers. Andrew cut the umbilical cord, I nursed, and we just held each other close. I loved those moments. So, so much. The bonding a baby has with its mother....finally meeting after being in the womb for 9's incredible and there's nothing like it. What a gift given by God. That is exactly what Nathaniel means, GIVEN BY GOD!8 pounds 7 ounces and 20.5 inches long of pure perfection. He hated his washcloth bath but loved his hair being washed, and nursed like a champ.