You Are Super Mom

Sometimes you need to READ what you do as a mom. You're a super mom, and here's why:

You are super mom because you bathe all of your kids at the same time. You make food all day long, clean up all day long, and discipline all day long.You are super mom because you know what each kid needs at every moment of every day.You serve, vacuum, wash dishes, throw in loads of laundry, plan birthday parties, run errands, drop off for school, entertain, and love.You love hard.You love so much that it hurts when you're away from your kids... and then you find yourself looking at photos of them wishing you were snuggling them. You love so much that you cringe when they do something naughty and you're angry when they aren't kind.You try not to say "no" so much but sometimes you have no idea what else to say. They're little turds but you continue to love.You train them, raise them right, keep them alive, and change those nasty diapers. Oh, those endless amounts of diapers. Wiping those bottoms all.the.time. And the funny thing is, there is love EVEN IN THAT! :)You're super mom because you rub their backs, laugh at their jokes, and tell them that their drawing of you is beautiful even if you have 4 arms and a huge head.You repeat yourself a million times, hear the words "mommy I need...." a million times, and ask your kids to LISTEN all day long.You load all the kids in the car on a hot day to take them somewhere fun even though it sucks the life out of you.You get them all bundled up on the snowy days so they can play in the snow for 10 minutes before they want to come back inside. It's annoying, but you do it because you love them, and because you're super mom.You're super mom because you hold your teething baby while cleaning up a bloody nose from your other kid. You juggle a dozen things at the same time and even though you may feel like a failure some days, you did it. You got it done.You give direction, teach your kids to pray, make Costco runs, plan play dates, and clean their ears.You make appointments, change their sheets, and make sure they change their underwear.You teach your kids how to write their name, you teach them manners, and you teach them how to wait.You make crafts, build forts, play chase, push them in swings, and hold them when they cry.You're super mom because when everyone goes to sleep, you clean up the house, maybe shower, and have some alone time because you never know when one of your kids will wake up. Time is everything and you manage it so well.You are super mom because you do ALL of this and still have time to shower, stay sane, eat, sleep, and make your own friends.

You are full of grace, love, selflessness and strength. You are super mom.

A Season of Change with Pink Blush


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